The ENDOLINE® SPRAY catheter spray enables staining products to be injected into the digestive system’s mucous membrane. This injection is used for mucosal analysis in case of lesions or polyps in the digestive system, in patients with a relevant medical history or for diagnosis purposes.

The ENDOLINE® COLD-LOOP cold snare is intended for endoscopic resection of small sessile/flat (≤ 9 mm) polyps present in the gastrointestinal tract via an upper or lower endoscopy without use of diathermic energy.

The ENDOLINE® LOOP polypectomy snare enables the resection of sessile/flat or pedicled polyps(≥ 6 mm) in the digestive tract via an upper or lower endoscopy. This snare is connected to the diathermy energy generator via the insert plug on the handle’s movable slider.

Réservé aux professionnels de santé
Le site www.prince-medical.com permet aux professionnels de santé spécialisés dans les domaines de la Gastro-entérologie, Gynécologie, Procréation Médicalement Assistée de bénéficier d'informations utiles à leur pratique quotidienne.
Reserved for health professionals
The website www.prince-medical.com allows health professionals specialized in the sectors of Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Medically Assisted Reproduction to benefit from information useful to their daily practice.